Guided Outcomes™: Eckler’s Financial Wellness Solution

Helping Canadians and employers improve financial wellness

For many Canadians, understanding and managing their finances causes significant stress. Fifty percent (50%) of Canadians say they have no financial plan. With no plan, only 44% of Canadians think they will be able to live comfortably in retirement. For Canadian employers, this can mean poorer performance at work and delayed retirements.

The good news is, there is help. According to recent research by Eckler, more than 80% of employees want financial education at work. With Guided Outcomes™, Eckler’s Financial Wellness Solution, we can provide unbiased solutions with experienced and accredited financial wellness professionals to give employees the tools and insights they need to set, plan and obtain their financial goals. Employers get the analytics they need to make strategic decisions that support employee financial health and achieve their organizational objectives.

Learn more about how Ecker can help you improve financial wellness in your workplace.

To learn more, get in touch with our Financial Wellness team.

An envelope icon to represent email that links to an online contact form. An icon with a telephone handset indicating a method to contact Janice Holman, a consultant with Eckler Financial Wellness. An icon to indicate an online resource that links to Eckler's Guided Outcomes Financial Wellness page on