We are experts at solving some of the most complex actuarial challenges for our clients in the financial services sector.
Amendments include new requirements for governance of pension plans Special Notice - December 15, 2020 The government of New Brunswick has filed amendments to the ...
On November 2, 2020, the Canadian Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) announced final amendments to Section 3462, Employee Future Benefits (Section 3462) of Part II of ...
Special Notice - October 26, 2020 On October 7, 2020, the government of Quebec introduced Bill 68, An Act mainly to allow the establishment of target ...
If you are managing a pension plan, that is registered in Barbados, as a trustee, sponsor, or administrator, we have designed this series of virtual ...
New CAPSA Agreement on Multi-Jurisdictional Pension Plans: The newly adopted Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA) agreement expands the number of participating jurisdictions and ...
On April 16, 2020, Retraite Quebec published information in response to the COVID-19 crisis introducing temporary easing measures to assist supplemental pension plan administrators dealing ...